Newhall, CA – Multi-Car Crash with Injuries on Everett Dr. at Lyons Ave.

Newhall, CA (April 2, 2024) – Police and rescue workers responded to the scene of a multi-car crash with injuries in Newhall on Tuesday, April 2nd. The accident took place around 11:25 a.m. at the intersection of Everett Drive and Lyons Avenue.
According to Geovanni Sanchez of the Los Angeles Fire Department, the crash involved at least two cars. When authorities arrived, they found at least one person suffering from injuries. The victim was taken a hospital in unknown condition. It is unknown whether anyone else was hurt in the crash. Police did not provide any details on how the accident occurred. There is no word on whether any charges will be filed. An investigation is ongoing at this time. No further details are available.
We want to offer our thoughts and well wishes to the victim of this car accident in Newhall. We hope for a complete and speedy recovery.
Injury Accidents in California
Injury crashes in California occur across our state hundreds of times per day. While not all car accidents result in injuries, many of them will. Unfortunately, these crashes often involve innocent motorists who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time when the accident occurred. Negligent drivers are primarily responsible for a large number of accidents that take place on our state’s roadways.
When you have been impacted by a California car accident, you are likely to have questions about your legal rights and your future. During this time, it is normal to wonder if you will ever be able to regain the life that you once had. As you move forward along a long path to recovery, you should seek advice about your options.
Here at Khorshidi Law Firm, our team of trusted and dedicated California car accident lawyers will be there for you every step of the way. We know what you are going through during this difficult time and we are here to help. Our firm has successfully represented hundreds of innocent crash victims and we would be honored to assist you as well.
Our firm will be here for you every step of the way. We provide free consultations and case evaluations for all potential and prospective clients. There is no financial obligation on your part until we obtain a recovery. To speak with a car accident lawyer in Newhall, please contact us using our online contact form or reach out to us at (310) 273-2211.