
Case Type: Types of Accidents

car accident personal injury

Car Accidents

IF YOU’VE BEEN INJURED IN A CAR ACCIDENT, THE TIME IS NOW TO ACT ON A EXPERIENCED CAR ACCIDENT ATTORNEY YOU CAN TRUST TO WIN THE FIGHT FOR YOU.   Whether it’s due to crowded roadways, speeding drivers, defective roads, drunk drivers or negligent drivers, if you’ve been in a car accident due to elements


Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents Riding through the street and highways, motorcycle drivers are exceedingly vulnerable to suffering a catastrophic injury. Even though the driver wears a helmet, they remain relatively unprotected from external trauma. Motorcyclists risk road burns, broken bones, knee injuries, head injuries, TBI (traumatic brain injury), and spinal cord damage if a car or truck


Pedestrian Accidents

California’s warm climate and sunny weather affords all of us the opportunity to walk for exercise, to commute to work or to sightsee. But when a negligent driver collides with a pedestrian, the results are often violent and tragic. Even low-speed collisions can result in serious, life-altering injuries, including broken bones, paralysis, head trauma, and


Trucking Accidents

Driving on roads and highways can be challenging. When dealing with trucks, driving can become even more complicated and sometimes dangerous. Every year in the state of California there are hundreds of fatalities due to trucks. Suffering damage to your vehicle or an injury due to negligence from a truck driver is traumatic enough, but


Dog Bites

Dogs are known as man’s best friend, but you may not agree with that sentiment if a dog bit you or one of your loved ones.  Each year, countless people suffer from dog bites that warrant medical attention. If you have been bitten by a dog, the attorneys at Khorshidi Law Firm can assist you


Bus Accidents

When you or your loved ones take public transit to travel around Los Angeles, you expect to get to where you’re going in a safe and reasonable manner. The sad, unfortunate truth is that bus accidents occur all too frequently. Bus drivers sometimes fail to operate the buses with the high degree of care required


Boating Accidents

Boating brings to mind fun, sun and a relaxing time on the waterways. But boat owners and operators must exercise the highest degree of care to ensure the safety of their passengers, persons in other vessels, and people in the water. All too often, we have all heard stories about boating excursions that went awry


Bike/Bicycle Accidents

The common safety advise given to bicyclists is to ride your bike as if you’re invisible. The problem is, many drivers drive their cars as if they can’t see you. This is a recipe for disaster and it all too often results in an innocent bicyclist suffering a terrible injury at the hands of a

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